Saturday, 30 June 2007

Yarr, damn thee loginz

Sorry about not posting the last few days, for some reason neither me or Joel could login. Joel Still can't, so I'm on my own.

3.50 Downgrader Released

A few days ago, we learnt that noobz had found an exploit in lumines to run homebrew. Now, Noobz have come out with the 3.50 downgrader!


Any downgrader carries some risk of permanently damaging your PSP. We've done everything we can to remove as much danger as possible, but if you choose to use this downgrader, you are accepting all of the risk involved. Nobody else will be held responsible for any damage to your PSP, howsoever caused.

Recent Sony official firmwares (3.30 onwards) have included checks that block upgrade from previously-downgraded PSPs with TA-082 or later motherboards. If you use this downgrader on such a PSP, you will lock yourself out of official firmware updates - although you will still be able to use new OE firmwares when they are released. We intend to release a tool to allow a return to official firmwares in the future.

This software is provided free of charge, so that you can use legitimate homebrew on your PSP. You are explicitly prohibited from selling it, or using it to pirate commercial games or applications. If you want to play a commercial game, do the decent thing and support the developers by buying it. If you don't, then YOU are contributing to the death of the PSP software industry.


iPod Linux Surfacing on 30gb 5.5g iPod's

Rockbox is now working on 5.5g iPod's, and soon iPod Linux will be out (hopefully)

Rockbox is pretty much the same as the normal iPod OS, but with a few extras. I don't know much about it because I didn't use it very much with my Nano.

Anyway, I'll get back to posting daily from tomorrow. I be goin' now.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

The Today Post, Issue 3

Good Afternoon. Or Morning, wherever you're reading this from.

PSP FW 3.50 Downgraded With Magic Memory Stick

That's right, some footage of a Sony store in China has come out on the net, and a girl is having her PSP soft downed. Though, you can only see the left side of the PSP (Because the store clerk is telling her not to show the thing)

Hmmm... Shoot up a comment on what you think...

Cracked! Shadowrun Run On XP

Windows are trying to launch a whole "Games For Vista" thing. As you may know, many games (In fact ALL games) On Steam, and other games, don't work on Vista. Because of this, most serious gamers are staying on Vista. 2 Popular games, Shadowrun and Halo 3, are locked to Vista. A famous cracking team called Razor911 has cracked Shadowrun to run on XP, and Halo 3 is next on the list.

Thats all from Fraser this week.


Monday, 25 June 2007

Today, By Fraser.

Hey Interwebs.

Yesterday was a massive post, today will be a... medium sized post. :D

Lumines Sales

Amazon have said Lumiens sales have gone up 5,900% due to the Illuminate Exploit
found yesterday, that makes it the 10th best selling game on Amazon at the moment.

Konami Has "Leaked" their E3 Timetable

The list came from XBL Radio, who in turn got it from a user tip. Here's the list:
  • DDR Supernova 2 (PlayStation 2)
  • DDR Universe 2 (Xbox 360)
    • Free Style mode is back
  • Karaoke Revolution: American Idol 2 (PS2)
    • 40 new songs
    • More character customization
    • More judge comments
    • New Eye Toy feature
    • Both Karaoke Revolution: AI2 and DDR Universe 2 are reportedly supposed to be reported in October
  • DDR Disney Challenge (PS2)
    • 50 new songs including some from High School Musical
    • Exclusive Modes
  • A Indoor Sports game for the Wii
    • Including darts, shuffle board, bowling, pool and other games
  • Bomberman Land (Wii and DS)
    • 50 minigames
    • 25 four-player minigames
  • Fishing Master (Wii)
    • Over 100 types of fish
  • A Yu-Gi-Oh! game (PS2)
    • Over 2400 cards
    • 40 characters
    • Follows the story line of the TV show
  • Another Yu-Gi-Oh! game (PlayStation Portable)
    • Over 1600 cards with more available as download-able content
  • Girls Secret Diary (DS)
    • Record your secrets and dreams in your journal
    • Wifi chat and pictochat
    • Includes various minigames
    • Other features like a clock and calculator
Another Yu-Gi-Oh! game" Another? Was there a first one?
Bomberman Land should have online, don't know why it isn't.
Also, the Indoor sports game sounds good, another "Wii-Sports-ish" game.
Anyways, the DDR banter seems fun ;)


Oh, and remember, check out the forums at:

The Real End.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

The Daily Post

I'm gonna try and post here every day now, mostly about PSP news, but I'll throw any other news, or just any general rant I feel like.

Today (24th June '07)

The Illuminati Exploit!

Homebrew working on all PSP firmware (even 3.50) with a Lumines UMD and Illuminati exploit!

I couldn't believe it either. Many of us are sitting next to our favourite puzzle game: Lumines right now. With this new PSP exploit, the blissfully sweet puzzle game can now be forged like a double edge sword. Giving PSP owners, on ANY firmware the ability to play homebrew applications, games and emulators till our hearts content or till we explode from nostalgia. So without further ado check out the simple steps for running the Noobz 'Hello World' app, which in the future will transform into HEN (Homebrew Enabler) and a downgrader. Amazing!

Noobz Guide for running the Illuminati Exploit:
  • Check that you have an EU or US version of Lumines (ULES00043 or ULUS10002). Currently we don't have a version for the Japanese version, but we're working on it, as soon as we get hold of a Japanese UMD.
  • Extract the contents of the 'MS_ROOT' folder from the ZIP file into the top-level of your memory stick. (HINT: If you wind up with an 'MS_ROOT' folder on the stick, you've done it wrong).
  • Start the game, and as soon as it gets to the 'Press START' screen, press START. If you wait until the demo has started, the exploit may not work.
  • The screen should go blank, and the exploit will start after a few moments. It doesn't do anything except look pretty at this stage - but feel free to enjoy the first homebrew on your v3.10 - v3.50 PSP
See the bottom for links and downloads.
(Illuminati means Enlightenment)

UK Bans Manhunt 2


The UK board that regulates games, and rates them has banned Manhunt 2 from coming to the shelf's. There has been many outcries, by the game manufacturers and gamers. There is a petition to get the games ban lifted, to sign, see the link at the bottom. The Bostin Globe has even compiled a couple of pros and cons from other people as well. For example, with 30 years of studying the effects of media violence on children, Joanne Cantor says:

The more realistic and involving the game gets, and the greater the similarity between the action in the game and real life action, the stronger the negative effects would be. No, your son may not turn into a criminal. But exposure will take a toll on his life somewhere, probably in interpersonal relationships. These are subtle effects. They take time to surface. A teen isn't going to notice them.

I say that the whole thing is a load of crap. We all can choose to, or not to buy this game for our children, or ourself s. Why should some board of people we don't even know decide what we can and can't buy? Sign the petition of you think the game should be un-banned.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

We are on the interwebs!

I got us feeds!

First off, out Blog feed (Atom)

Now, the one and only Podcast Feed! (RSS)

Thanks for reading this at the blog.

See ya around!