Monday, 24 September 2007

More Apologise from Snappedarm.....

As you guessed from the title, snappedarm (Joel) here.
Sorry guys for not doing many blogs, i have been very busy and Fraser hasnt been on much to remind me! But I Promise (and you have this as a digital Signiture) that i will try and do at least 1 post a week, hopefully more!
Anyway, on with some "News"...

Linux on 80Gb iPods
Fraser successfully installed linux onto his 80gb iPods, although I dont know too much yet, I know it is pretty similar to what he did on his Nano. (which he will hopefully post some pictures on, and a video of his new video in action aswell). Hot Stuff!

40Gb PS3?
Rumors have been spreading wildly lately that Sony plans to release a 40GB PlayStation 3 console for a bargain price of USD 399. These rumors have yet to be confirmed or denied at this point, but it seems that there may in fact be some truth to them.

USB Fingerprint Scanners... All they are cracked up to be? (and the most recommended one)
They are meant to make everything easier, eliminate passwords and using the pc quicker. And so far, they are actually decent, no-one has lied about it, and the software seems to go hand in hand with vista. How they work is they save up to 10 fingerprints, and you use your one (obviously) for your user, so you can only access certain documents, view restricted webpages or even log on to your user with your finger!
The recommended one from Jaffa, is the Microsoft Fingerprint Reader.
Partly because it is made with Microsoft, so just one update and they will have all the drivers and software for the reader.
So Buy One!!

Thats Probably all for tonight, although i will do a bigger better harder stronger post within the next few days.

See'Ya Guys

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