Monday 25 June 2007

Today, By Fraser.

Hey Interwebs.

Yesterday was a massive post, today will be a... medium sized post. :D

Lumines Sales

Amazon have said Lumiens sales have gone up 5,900% due to the Illuminate Exploit
found yesterday, that makes it the 10th best selling game on Amazon at the moment.

Konami Has "Leaked" their E3 Timetable

The list came from XBL Radio, who in turn got it from a user tip. Here's the list:
  • DDR Supernova 2 (PlayStation 2)
  • DDR Universe 2 (Xbox 360)
    • Free Style mode is back
  • Karaoke Revolution: American Idol 2 (PS2)
    • 40 new songs
    • More character customization
    • More judge comments
    • New Eye Toy feature
    • Both Karaoke Revolution: AI2 and DDR Universe 2 are reportedly supposed to be reported in October
  • DDR Disney Challenge (PS2)
    • 50 new songs including some from High School Musical
    • Exclusive Modes
  • A Indoor Sports game for the Wii
    • Including darts, shuffle board, bowling, pool and other games
  • Bomberman Land (Wii and DS)
    • 50 minigames
    • 25 four-player minigames
  • Fishing Master (Wii)
    • Over 100 types of fish
  • A Yu-Gi-Oh! game (PS2)
    • Over 2400 cards
    • 40 characters
    • Follows the story line of the TV show
  • Another Yu-Gi-Oh! game (PlayStation Portable)
    • Over 1600 cards with more available as download-able content
  • Girls Secret Diary (DS)
    • Record your secrets and dreams in your journal
    • Wifi chat and pictochat
    • Includes various minigames
    • Other features like a clock and calculator
Another Yu-Gi-Oh! game" Another? Was there a first one?
Bomberman Land should have online, don't know why it isn't.
Also, the Indoor sports game sounds good, another "Wii-Sports-ish" game.
Anyways, the DDR banter seems fun ;)


Oh, and remember, check out the forums at:

The Real End.

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