Tuesday 26 June 2007

The Today Post, Issue 3

Good Afternoon. Or Morning, wherever you're reading this from.

PSP FW 3.50 Downgraded With Magic Memory Stick

That's right, some footage of a Sony store in China has come out on the net, and a girl is having her PSP soft downed. Though, you can only see the left side of the PSP (Because the store clerk is telling her not to show the thing)

Hmmm... Shoot up a comment on what you think...

Cracked! Shadowrun Run On XP

Windows are trying to launch a whole "Games For Vista" thing. As you may know, many games (In fact ALL games) On Steam, and other games, don't work on Vista. Because of this, most serious gamers are staying on Vista. 2 Popular games, Shadowrun and Halo 3, are locked to Vista. A famous cracking team called Razor911 has cracked Shadowrun to run on XP, and Halo 3 is next on the list.

Thats all from Fraser this week.


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