Monday, 23 July 2007


Hey guy's, Dicer here.

I'm still on holiday, and I'm posting this from a internet cafe. That's what you call dedication :D .


As Joel said, there is floods in england. Apparently, the Thames is about to burst it's banks. That will be very serious if that happens, I mean, the Thames goes right through the centre of London.

I got stuck in Fairford for hours because of the flood's, only just got homein a mates dad's car.

Pretty bad.

The New PSP now has a name

The PSP Slim. Or Lite, whatever floats your boat.

I see a release date in that poster too.

My Birthday Loot!

As Joel said from the last post, It was my birthdat. My Loot is as follows.

8MP Kadak Easyshare V803:

And Money for:

1) Zune
2) The Re-Designed PSP
3) Nixon Super Rover Wach

Moving soon, so not much hard stuff, everything has been shipped to the new house.

Pretty happy.

All from me for now, I'm gonna post as often as I can.


Saturday, 21 July 2007

Chaos... Absolute Chaos

A lot has happened Today!

As many of you will have heard, there have been huge floods in the UK. Well, we were in the middle of it, we personally didnt suffer, but many people we know had rivers flowing through their houses ect.
It was pretty bad, that for one ceased us from posting today.
And Secondly, I have been having powercuts since Friday night, and the power has only just come back on (one day afterwards)!

Also... seeing as it is the 21st July.......

Happy Birthday Fraser (dicer999 on the forums)

Fraser is the other "blogger", he is in Ireland at the moment, that is why you are stuck with me posting at 23:46 at night. What a life.
However Due to holidays ect we probably wont be posting regularly for a few weeks, therefore:
Have a good summer!
from Joel - and Fraser (where ever he is!)

G'd Bye

Thursday, 19 July 2007

19 July 2007


Update for Custom firmware 3.51 M33

Its been bumped up to M33-5, this is supposibley a better version/another bug fix. Fixes a load of UMD and ISO stuff and other miscellaneous fixes.

New PSP Battery

The new PSP's battery will only last for 5hours, though if you stick in an old battery from the PSP Phat, it will last all night long *hint hint*, thats 12 hours of fun. The only downside is that it will stick out as it is a slim PSP and a fat battery.

Rockstar writes back in defence of Manhunt 2

Rockstar games recently has been fighting on all fronts to defend its controversial game - Manhunt 2.
Rockstar said "Banning the game does not help the video game industry improve itself. Rather, it defeats the purpose of denying people, the chance to consider, experience, or discuss the actualy game."
Manhhunt 2 is the second game to be banned in the UK of similar genre, this was a pretty gruesome game "Carmageddon" in 1997.
But is Rockstar really over the line this time? Or are the media boards just overreacting?

Fraser got his PSP housing

He will be fitting it tonight, and he'll post pictures later, and on the forums

Thats all for today, we'll be back tomorrow.

Monday, 16 July 2007

And We're back

Sorry for this being late, I have been away for a wedding, and got back late yesterday.

And today's news:

3.51 M33 PSP CFW Out.

Some Russian hackers (how strange..) have taken DAX's work and ran with it, and made this creation: 3.51 M33.

I had it installed, but I couldn't free enough flash space to fit in a medium sized theme. If you flash the dummy files. a load of features freeze. I'm back to good old 3.40 OE-A.

Oh. and a WLAN fix came out for it.

Here is a how to for installing, and links.

Mathieulh Moving his homebrew skillz to the X360 and PS3

He is all done with the PSP now, which is sorta sad, but he isn't completely leaving, just not as interested. But now, he is focusing on X360 and PS3 homebrew, which will be a hell of a lot better (I think) bacause their limits are almost endless, because they are so powerful.

(From the left, the 60 or 80gb PS3, a PSP, the upcoming X360 elite)

I am Re-Locating!

Or moving house, a normal person might say. So Joel will be filling in for a few days until I get internet, and our new Cyberpower Computer. So... yeah. This will be starting on Saturday.

Thats all from me this week. Another post coming tommorow.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

A lot of Console re-vamps

Hey, Joel here - the apple hater!
Sony has unveiled a re-designed PlayStation Portable which is slimmer, lighter, and comes with a video-out port for watching content on TVs.
the portable console is virtually unchanged but the device is now 33% lighter and 19% slimmer - But not release date!
Also, Microsofts XBox 360 has had a makeover:
Xbox 360, designed to store and display high-definition video, will go on sale in Europe on 24 August. The black Elite console has a 120GB hard drive and outputs high definition video through a digital connection. The black Elite console has a 120GB hard drive and outputs high definition video through a digital connection.
This is obviously tough competition for the PS3 (which we like a lot!), but they counteracted with *see last post.

So a lot of "tecno" wars then.


Monday, 9 July 2007


Hey guys. Not much amazing news over the past few days, so we didn't update.

Oh, and FYI, Joel is an Apple hater. You might of guessed from his iPhone post.

Onto the news.

Handheld XBox, and Re-Designed PSP may be featured @ E3.

Ooh. A news site called NZ Hearald (a paper over in New Zealand) have reported a few things that are supposedly appearing in E3 this year.

1. Price drops for consoles

Yum! This sounds good, seeing as the PS3 is gone down all ready - hopefully the other companys will follow.

2. A handheld Xbox machine

Well, Sony have the PSP, Nintendo have the DS, makes sence for Mocrosoft to come out with a "Handheld XBox machine"

3. The debut of PlayStation Home and a public beta announcement

Oh yeah, this does look sweet. If you haven't seen home, looky here

4. A re-designed PSP

Oh noes. This PSP will allmost definetly have a changed motherboard, to stop homebrew.

5. The Wii gets a hard drive

About time! It needs it! It has 512 MB of embedded memory, and heck, it goes fast. Seeing as you HAVE to have VC games on the internal memory, each ROM must be about 10mb each, and each save around 5mb, then you have all the OS on it. Do the maths kids.

The Lumines Downgrader has been patched

Sales of lumines have been through the roof lately because of the downgrader, but it seems Sony /
Q Entertainment / Bandai / Ubisoft have crushed it allready.

Well, in Japan anyway.

New PS3 and Price Cut for 60gb Model

Woo Hoo!

Despite denials, Sony has made official the new $499 price point for the PlayStation 3 that we've started to see appear in retailers across the US. The 60GB model's new price point will indeed be $499, with a new 80GB model going on sale for $599 in the US and Canada in August. As a small bonus, the 80GB version will include a "free" copy of MotorStorm. So there ya' have it kids: in one quick swoop, Sony has made the PS3's price a whole lot more competitive.

Hells yeah! The 60 GB PS3 is now $499, and the 80 GB PS3 is coming in August at $599.


Wednesday, 4 July 2007

The Daily Post - from Joel

New Version of iTunes, (mainly for iPhone users)
Apple released itunes 7.3, to run with all iPhones - not that anyone in the UK will be using them at the moment as it must be said, they are pretty poor.

Strmnrmn Debunks The QJ Myth

Strmnnrmn has come out and said the post up on yesterday was a myth. As alot of people know, Strmnnrmn doesn't email anyone until he posts something on his blog, so people thought it was fake. He says on his blog:
I never emailed, so it looks like someone has been deliberately trying to mislead them. It goes on to say:
"R13 might actually use Bios files now"

I have no idea what this actually means! The information doesn't seem to be particularly malicious, but I didn't write it. Anything I have to say about Daedalus, I'll talk about here, on this blog. It'll be another week or so before I can update regularly, so any other 'information' you hear that's not directly from this blog is likely to be a hoax.

Thats all for today folks
We be goin' now...

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Goodbye Dark Alex.


Today Is a dark day for those in the PSP homebrew scene. Dark Alex, the legendary homebrew coder, has been pwned by Sony ninjas, and has had to leave the scene.

Quote: Dark Alex

Bye, scene.

I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene. The reasons are various. One of them is the time it consumes, which I'm losing from other things. The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers. I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.


This sucks. I have no more to say.

Daedalus R13 may use Bios files

has come from its StrmnNrmn sent us (QJ) an email recently that really got us thinking about how far Daedalushumble beginnings more than a year ago. Not only does he give us some prime information about the direction of Daedalus, but he also mentions just how long it might take him to actually get everything running properly.

Here's the important information he tipped us off to, which you guys might be interested in knowing. He writes, "R13 might actually use Bios files now. I figured this might take 3 more years to develop to run almost perfect, so I will use Bios files to help me on my Daedalus PSP Project."

Three years folks. That's a lot of dedication from the StrmnNrmn, and we're certainly glad to have him around. To all the folks out there who are fans of his work, you may want to send some love his way because the way of the homebrew developer is long and tiring.

In any case, his email leads us to believe that a formal update on Daedalus R13's status is incoming, so you may want to check out his website periodically. In the meantime, you guys may want to try out Daedalus R12, the current build of his N64 emulation program

3 Years?!?!? Ach, anyway, the BIOS should speed it up a bit.


Monday, 2 July 2007

Damn Russians

Hello. For Today's Blog:

Coming Out This Month:

Ninja Gaiden Sigma. The demo for this ninja action adventure title was one of the few demos that actually lived up to its hype. For those who are old enough to crave challenges and gameplay more suitable for mature audiences, this PS3 exclusive is a must-buy.

Thats for the Ps3. And:

Vampire Rain. Take on the role of John Lloyd, the government's vampire hunter, as he purges Los Angeles of the vampire threat. We're hoping that this horror action adventure game will cast new light on the vampire game genre with its stealthy "high-tech Buffy meets Sam Fisher" gameplay. For the 360.

Thats the good ones anyway. There is also:

Platinum Sudoku

Vegas Casino

Marvel TCG
Taito Legends 2


Russia are tying to claim half the north pole.


Quote: The Daily Mail
Russian leader Vladimir Putin has made an astonishing bid to grab a vast chunk of the Arctic, giving himself claim to its vast potential oil, gas and mineral wealth.

His audacious argument that an underwater Russian ridge is linked to the North Pole is likely to lead to an international outcry.
Some commentators have already observed it is further evidence of growing Russian assertiveness under its authoritarian president.


That's Pretty much what is happening. Why? To steam it's oil, coal and minerals. The place is a triangle five times the size of Britain with twice as much oil as Saudi Arabia. It's stupid. It's madness.


Goodbye for now soldiers. *thumbsup*

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Greetings fellow Bloggers

Yo, im the J of the Jaffa Network (Joel)
Im not doing a big post today, just a "Hello", or introductory post.
We'll be back with a big/bigger one tomorrow :D
Bye for now...