Wednesday, 4 July 2007

The Daily Post - from Joel

New Version of iTunes, (mainly for iPhone users)
Apple released itunes 7.3, to run with all iPhones - not that anyone in the UK will be using them at the moment as it must be said, they are pretty poor.

Strmnrmn Debunks The QJ Myth

Strmnnrmn has come out and said the post up on yesterday was a myth. As alot of people know, Strmnnrmn doesn't email anyone until he posts something on his blog, so people thought it was fake. He says on his blog:
I never emailed, so it looks like someone has been deliberately trying to mislead them. It goes on to say:
"R13 might actually use Bios files now"

I have no idea what this actually means! The information doesn't seem to be particularly malicious, but I didn't write it. Anything I have to say about Daedalus, I'll talk about here, on this blog. It'll be another week or so before I can update regularly, so any other 'information' you hear that's not directly from this blog is likely to be a hoax.

Thats all for today folks
We be goin' now...

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