Thursday, 19 July 2007

19 July 2007


Update for Custom firmware 3.51 M33

Its been bumped up to M33-5, this is supposibley a better version/another bug fix. Fixes a load of UMD and ISO stuff and other miscellaneous fixes.

New PSP Battery

The new PSP's battery will only last for 5hours, though if you stick in an old battery from the PSP Phat, it will last all night long *hint hint*, thats 12 hours of fun. The only downside is that it will stick out as it is a slim PSP and a fat battery.

Rockstar writes back in defence of Manhunt 2

Rockstar games recently has been fighting on all fronts to defend its controversial game - Manhunt 2.
Rockstar said "Banning the game does not help the video game industry improve itself. Rather, it defeats the purpose of denying people, the chance to consider, experience, or discuss the actualy game."
Manhhunt 2 is the second game to be banned in the UK of similar genre, this was a pretty gruesome game "Carmageddon" in 1997.
But is Rockstar really over the line this time? Or are the media boards just overreacting?

Fraser got his PSP housing

He will be fitting it tonight, and he'll post pictures later, and on the forums

Thats all for today, we'll be back tomorrow.

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