Monday, 16 July 2007

And We're back

Sorry for this being late, I have been away for a wedding, and got back late yesterday.

And today's news:

3.51 M33 PSP CFW Out.

Some Russian hackers (how strange..) have taken DAX's work and ran with it, and made this creation: 3.51 M33.

I had it installed, but I couldn't free enough flash space to fit in a medium sized theme. If you flash the dummy files. a load of features freeze. I'm back to good old 3.40 OE-A.

Oh. and a WLAN fix came out for it.

Here is a how to for installing, and links.

Mathieulh Moving his homebrew skillz to the X360 and PS3

He is all done with the PSP now, which is sorta sad, but he isn't completely leaving, just not as interested. But now, he is focusing on X360 and PS3 homebrew, which will be a hell of a lot better (I think) bacause their limits are almost endless, because they are so powerful.

(From the left, the 60 or 80gb PS3, a PSP, the upcoming X360 elite)

I am Re-Locating!

Or moving house, a normal person might say. So Joel will be filling in for a few days until I get internet, and our new Cyberpower Computer. So... yeah. This will be starting on Saturday.

Thats all from me this week. Another post coming tommorow.

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